Wednesday 5 October 2011

Mwaaah haaa haa - Dust 'n' Bones a spooky treat by Chris Mould

Chris Mould is an exceptionordinarily popular writer and illustrator of spooky fiction and Dust and Bones will undoubtedly scare the be-jebus out of any unwitting Book Sniffer who happens to think themselves brave enough to slither through the pages if this one after lights out!

Dust 'n' Bones is a spooktacularly gruesome story collection for Halloween with ten - YES ten gruesome stories varying in gore packed within the pages this book is a perfectly tricksy treat.  

I have 5 copies of Dust 'n Bones signed (complete with hand drawn skull and cross bones!!!!) to 5 lucky Book Sniffers.

The first 5 Sniffers to post a spooky joke on the Book Sniffer   Facebook page under the Competition link will get their grubby mitts on these little treasures!

Here are Chris's top three fave spooky jokes to inspire you...

'If vampires can't look at their reflections how come their hair is always so neat.' 



I've got a book on the paranormal. I didn't buy it, it just appeared in my room.


'I used to be a werewolf but I'm alright nowooooooooooo.'

(I dare say you can do better than that!)

Chris has lots and lots of exciting projects in hand at the moment so you simply must keep up to date with all his news here...
You won't be disappointed! and there's more to come ..MUCH more

In other exciting news we are launching the fabulously monstrous The Fearsome Beastie / Giles Paley-Phillips blog tour with super illustration competition sharpen your pencils and pop back on the 22nd October to find out more!

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